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Showing Grace to Others!!!

In continuing on from the last post, Paul had a lot to say about how those of us in the faith should be reacting to others. I personally like the Book of Ephesians. It is a short book, but is filled with God's love and direction for us to others. Ephesians describes the behavior that ought to characterize Christians as they relate to others.

"Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen. And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, with whom you were sealed for the day of redemption. Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you." Ephesians 4:29-32.

Our passage says that our actions ought to be permeated with kindness. Too many of us spend too much time praising and worshiping God in church, only to turn around and blast our loved ones and strangers with talk and actions that should not exist in those of us that profess having a relationship with Christ. We are supposed to imitate Christ through our lives. Our passage tells us to stop doing hurtful things to others and to remember what Christ did for us through His forgiveness of our sins. Kindness is love expressed in practical ways. Kindness is putting the needs of others before our own. Kindness is intentionally considering ways to meet other people's needs.

What about being compassionate? Compassionate is another way of saying tenderhearted. Being tenderhearted means that we are keenly aware and sensitive to the feelings of others. When others around us experience sorrow, we grieve also. When another is joyful, we, too, rejoice. Being tenderhearted means showing compassion toward those around us. (1 Corinthians 12:26).

And then there is the battle of forgiveness that all of us struggle with. Let's face it, everyone single one of us has someone in our life that has caused us pain or sorrow in some way, and we might tell others that we have forgiven them, but deep inside we are still struggling to do so. We need to learn to forgive and then to show that forgiveness because we, too, fall short of God's ideal. Knowing that God has graciously saved us from destruction should motivate us to forgive others when they hurt us. Many times we are even less patient with our fellow Christians than we are with nonbelievers. Think about it, don't we expect more from our fellow Christian brothers and sisters? Then, when they fail us, we feel betrayed. When this happens, I think that we need to look closely at the cross and remember the forgiveness we received there. We must set aside the self-centered attitude that leads to impatience and criticism of others.

Jesus did not say that the world will know Him by our miracles, our grand testimonies, or by our vast Bible knowledge and church leadership. Jesus said that the world will know Him by the love that Christians show to one another and others. (John 13:35). Let me ask you a question, Are you constantly in conflict with others? Do you say and think harsh things about those around you, especially of those you love? Do you battle with rage and bitterness? Then cry out to Jesus. Ask Him to give you kindness, a tender heart, and a forgiving spirit, then allow Him to make the changes in you without struggling against Him. Submit your will and surrender your life to Him. As you allow the Spirit to build these qualities into you, your life will be a blessing to others around you!

May God richly bless you today!! H Trent!


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