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Sermon For Sunday!!!

Once again it is Sunday! I am posting a sermon I preached, hoping that in anyway, it would speak to those of you who are following these posts. May God be with you as you continue on your walk with Him. And, as always, may God richly bless you today!! H Trent!

“The Test for False Prophets.”
Scripture: 2 Peter 2.

Introduction: You know, there are a lot of things that we see and hear these days on our radios and through our televisions, even from those around us. From the programs we watch and listen to, like reality shows, the news, even movies. It can sometimes be difficult for us to determine if what we are filling ourselves up with contains any truth or not. Sadly this is also the same theme for those of us in the church. I mean, how do we know what is being taught to us is the truth, and how do we know that the one's doing the teaching are themselves, true? Pretty big question isn’t it? We need ministers that live according to the Word that they are entrusted to teaching. We need to not be lead astray. But, how do we know? Well my friends, the Bible has a lot to say on the subject of false teachers or false prophets as the Bible calls them. And this is what we are going to look at today. Here in our passage today there is a little test that I like to call, the test for false prophets. Please open your Bible to 2 Peter chapter 2 starting at verse 1.

1.What is Their Source?(V 1-3). As our ministers teach and lead us, one question we need to ask is, what is their source? I mean, what are they teaching us from? I would like to say here that I believe that no minister is above their congregation. We have a responsibility to hold our leaders accountable to the Word of God and don’t ever let anyone of them tell you otherwise. This especially true when teaching the Word. We need to ask, where are they getting their information? Consider if we might (Psalm 119:5-6). The psalmist here is proclaiming that the Word, that is the Bible, is the light by which we should be living our lives. He knows the way to go by letting God’s Word guide him. If the Word is not taught, how do we know which way to go? There are many ministers today that would much rather teach you their life’s story than the Word of God. There are many that would rather teach you things from some story they have read, or movie they have seen. Now I am not saying that those things are altogether wrong if they are put into their proper perspective, but any ministers ultimate source should be The Bible. Paul knew this to be true also. Listen as he encouraged Timothy. (II Tim 4:2). He was to preach the Word. In season and out of season meaning to preach it when it was needed and especially when it wasn’t.

2. Who is Their Savior? (v1,10b). Another thing we must consider is who is their Savior? Now to all of us here in the church, this should be easy for us to answer, and we all should know that the answer is Jesus. Right? Well, remember we are asking these questions of those who would teach the Word to us. By whom do they say we are saved? Remember, there are other religions amongst us. The Muslims, the Hindus, the Buddists. So many in fact that it’s quiet difficult to name them all. But what does the Word of God say? Well, let’s listen, (John 6:35), again in (John 11:25), and (Romans 10:9). Now if we believe in God and the Word of God, then we should all know who the One and Only Savior is, that being Jesus Christ. Am I correct? Then we need to be on our guard against those that would have us to believe otherwise. If someone should come to you preaching a savior other than Jesus, you need to run from that person and run fast. Now let’s move on to a third test.

3. What is Their Subject? (v3,18). As we sit in our churches and listen to the teachers, what is the subject they are teaching? My friends, many things can be and are taught from our pulpits, but the question being asked needs to be answered in this way, are they teaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ? Now Paul wrote to Timothy, (II Tim 3:16). Listen friends, ALL Scripture. Not just parts, not just some passages, all scripture. You know it’s an interesting thing about our Bible. Did you know that there are 66 books written by over 40 authors over a period of 1500 years? And that in fact all the books of the Bible point to our Soverign Lord Jesus Christ? Listen now, the subject being taught should come directly from the Word of God. They need to be teaching us about who Jesus is and what He means to us and for us. (Gal. 1:7). All things pertaing to life are contained in this wonderful book. This should be the subject our teachers and leaders are teaching to us. And how we apply the teachings contained herein to our own lives. The math teacher, does he not teach us how to add and subtract from a math subject book? So, we must ask of those who teach us in the ways of God, what is their subject. A fourth test.

4. How Do They Explain Salvation? (v19-20). It is crucial that the gift of salvation be understood by all who would come to Christ. So the next question to ask, how do they explain salvation? Religions around the world teach different forms and way to salvation such as, eating the proper foods, doing the right prayers, going to the right church, etc. Well let’s understand what God’s Word has to say on the subject: (Romans 10:13), (Acts 4:12), (John 3:16), (John 10:9), (Titus 3:5). These are just a few to help us to understand that apart from confessing Christ as Savior and Lord there is no other way of salvation. There are no ritutials we can do, there is no way to be very good for it is not by works or deeds. It is by grace through faith that we are saved. Eph 2:8. Here is an example, when Christ was on the cross and the thief on His right asked Jesus to remember him, what did Jesus tell him? Well, let’s listen: (Luke 23:43). If someone is teaching you the way of salvation by some other means than what is contained in the Bible, flee from them. Don’t let them even have one foothold in your life. Finally the last test:

5. Are They Sanctified? (v14-15). Did you hear these verses? What we are talking about here is how does this person live? Do they set the example for us by living what they are teaching? Listen to what Paul wrote to Timothy: (2 Tim 3:1-5). Our teachers and leaders ought to be examples to us of how we are to live Godly lives in Christ Jesus. I know of a few stories of those in positions of leadership that were preaching to their congregations how they were to live, but they themselves were living ungodly lives given over to immoral, sexual relationships, embezzlement, alcoholism, gambling, etc. Are these the kinds of leaders that we want showing us how to live Godly lives? Of course not. I am not saying that we are all saints, heaven knows that I myself am a sinner and I make many mistakes, but I am held accountable by God for how I lead and teach others. We all fall short of the glory of the Lord, but our leaders should be setting the bar for us. We have a responsibility to hold those who lead us accountable for they way in which they live also. I am not giving permission for us to pry into every aspect of the lives of the leaders, but I am saying that when those in leadership are walking in ways that does not conform to the position in which they have been called to, Jesus Himself says to call them on it. (Matt. 18:15-17).

Conclusion: Leaders, especially those in the church, are called to a very important function. They have a responsibility to lead and guide in love, compassion, mercy, and truth. We must hold those who teach and preach the Word accountable to the office they have been called to, and we must also guard ourselves against those things that would cause us to go astray. This passage is one of many that helps us to determine if the one leading us, is leading us in truth or leading us astray. Check out your leaders, hold them accountable, and in doing so we all function as the body of Christ.

Pastor Harold Trent.


  1. Amen...

    Thank you again Harold for everything you do, and all that you are.


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