Many of us, even after coming to Jesus, continue to struggle with sin in our life. We allow the things of this world to have control over us. We give in to temptations too easily. But, the Bible teaches us that a Christian has died to sin. Before we were Christians we were very susceptible to sin. Sin held us in its grip. Did you know that even though temptation can present itself persistently, a corpse will not succumb? The Bible says that when we became Christians, our old self died. That means that sin now has no more control over us than temptation has over a corpse. We have died to sin. We can still sin, but we are no longer in sin's power! SO why is it that so many of us continue to sin? It is because we allow sin to have power over us even though we have been freed from its grasp. When we choose to succumb to temptation, we are rejecting the freedom from sin that Christ gained for you by His death. "What shall we say, then? Shall we go on sinning so that ...
Biblical teachings with interest and passion designed in helping believers and non-belevers come to know and live with Chirst in a personal and power filled life!