These are very trying times we live in today. Things are happening around us so fast that it is sometimes difficult to know where to go or where to turn. We can easily become stressed and weary of doing the same old grind, day after day, uncertain about what is lying just around the next corner. Well, our Shepherd knows!! He knows our every need, our every hurt, our every pain. He knows that we will grow weary in our pilgrimage with Him as well. He knows that there are times when we need to rest. Our Shepherd also knows what we need to be refreshed. At times, we do need to lie in lush meadows or beside quiet streams. Sometimes we need to be held by our Shepherd. At other times we need to enjoy the pleasures the Shepherd provides. And, our Shepherd will not always replenish us the same way; His response to us will always correspond to our present need, if we will ask Him.
"He restores my soul; He leads me in the paths of righteousness for His name's sake." Psalm 23:3.
As we follow Jesus, there are going to be times when our soul will become exhausted, perhaps because of trials we are experiencing or temptations we are resisting. The persecution we face or the burdens we are carrying for others may be wearing us down. We may even be weary from the discipline the Shepherd has brought on us. There will be times when we feel like we cannot go on in our Christian pilgrimage. Our Shepherd knows when we have reached this point! And, He always has a remedy for us! There are many ways He can strengthen us: through His Word, through others, or even through circumstances. He always knows what we need better than we do!
Friends, has any of you grown weary? Does your soul need to be refreshed? Please do not attempt to recover on your own. Only our Lord knows how to heal and rejuvenate a soul! He will do it perfectly, sometimes in surprising ways. If you are in need of restoration, ask Him to restore you, and then be prepared to respond to what He does next!
May God Richly Bless You Today!! H Trent!
"He restores my soul; He leads me in the paths of righteousness for His name's sake." Psalm 23:3.
As we follow Jesus, there are going to be times when our soul will become exhausted, perhaps because of trials we are experiencing or temptations we are resisting. The persecution we face or the burdens we are carrying for others may be wearing us down. We may even be weary from the discipline the Shepherd has brought on us. There will be times when we feel like we cannot go on in our Christian pilgrimage. Our Shepherd knows when we have reached this point! And, He always has a remedy for us! There are many ways He can strengthen us: through His Word, through others, or even through circumstances. He always knows what we need better than we do!
Friends, has any of you grown weary? Does your soul need to be refreshed? Please do not attempt to recover on your own. Only our Lord knows how to heal and rejuvenate a soul! He will do it perfectly, sometimes in surprising ways. If you are in need of restoration, ask Him to restore you, and then be prepared to respond to what He does next!
May God Richly Bless You Today!! H Trent!
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