Welcome to another new year! Full of changes and challenges. One of those challenges for me is to search my heart and to be careful what I put into it, and also, what comes out of it. Scripture stresses that what comes out of our mouths is a very accurate picture of what we are carrying around in our hearts. If our words are used to bless and encourage others, there is good evidence that we have a compassionate heart. If we share the good news of Jesus Christ, our heart demonstrates that we are grateful for our own salvation. There are many messages that our mouths proclaim the condition of our heart. When others around us are in a crisis, do they know that they will find peace and comfort in our words? Do we frequently and spontaneously offer prayer for others? Do our words and they way in which we say them demonstrate a patient heart? All of these behaviors indicate a heart condition that is the same as that of our heavenly Father, a heart of love!
"But the things that come out of the mouth come from the heart, and these things make a man unclean. For out of the heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false testimony, slander. These are what make a man unclean." Matthew 15:18-20a
Friends, the condition of our heart toward our Lord will be reflected through the way we speak and act towards those around us. Do we enjoy gossip? Are we quick to criticize others? Do we blame others for the harsh words that come out when we are angry? Do we complain, hurt, slander, beat down others? This is a heart the is far away from God.
As we enter this new year, I challenge all of us to take a closer look at how we are treating those around us. The way we are treating others will tell us the condition of our heart. If we have drifted away from God, we may have become abrasive or rash in the way we deal with others. We might say and do things that normally we would not do. Scripture tells us in James chapter 3 that an abusive tongue is not under the control of the Spirit. And, friends, I believe that if an abusive tongue is not under the Spirit's control, then neither is the heart. A heart like the Father's will produce only pure and loving words and actions.
It has been said that there is not enough love in the world today. I say, there is all the love in the world we need IF we would only, daily, examine our hearts and throw out any and all that does not bring glory to Christ, and fill up on all the things that do. This means daily Bible reading, prayer and fasting. Relationship with our Lord! A sanctified heart is a heart that will always be used as a wonderful instrument for the Lord! And a sanctified mouth is even better, all that you say will encourage and bless others, and Christ will be glorified! If today you have found yourself drawn away from God and your heart blemished, without making any excuses, as the Holy Spirit to forgive you, then ask Him to bring you back into relationship with God and make your heart clean once again. Then determine that you will do all God asks through His Word to demonstrate to others the power of Christ through your words and actions by keeping a heart like that of the Father's!
May God Richly Bless You Today!! H Trent!
"But the things that come out of the mouth come from the heart, and these things make a man unclean. For out of the heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false testimony, slander. These are what make a man unclean." Matthew 15:18-20a
Friends, the condition of our heart toward our Lord will be reflected through the way we speak and act towards those around us. Do we enjoy gossip? Are we quick to criticize others? Do we blame others for the harsh words that come out when we are angry? Do we complain, hurt, slander, beat down others? This is a heart the is far away from God.
As we enter this new year, I challenge all of us to take a closer look at how we are treating those around us. The way we are treating others will tell us the condition of our heart. If we have drifted away from God, we may have become abrasive or rash in the way we deal with others. We might say and do things that normally we would not do. Scripture tells us in James chapter 3 that an abusive tongue is not under the control of the Spirit. And, friends, I believe that if an abusive tongue is not under the Spirit's control, then neither is the heart. A heart like the Father's will produce only pure and loving words and actions.
It has been said that there is not enough love in the world today. I say, there is all the love in the world we need IF we would only, daily, examine our hearts and throw out any and all that does not bring glory to Christ, and fill up on all the things that do. This means daily Bible reading, prayer and fasting. Relationship with our Lord! A sanctified heart is a heart that will always be used as a wonderful instrument for the Lord! And a sanctified mouth is even better, all that you say will encourage and bless others, and Christ will be glorified! If today you have found yourself drawn away from God and your heart blemished, without making any excuses, as the Holy Spirit to forgive you, then ask Him to bring you back into relationship with God and make your heart clean once again. Then determine that you will do all God asks through His Word to demonstrate to others the power of Christ through your words and actions by keeping a heart like that of the Father's!
May God Richly Bless You Today!! H Trent!
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