Many believers will readily state that they are living for Christ. My question is always, "Does your life demonstrate that you are living for Christ?" What is the nature of this question? Do we only say that we are living for Christ, or do our actions demonstrate that we are living for Christ? Do we take a stand for the weak, or do we decide that it is not our business and do not want to get involved? Are we ready and willing to give our time, talent, and treasure, or do we only do so when its time to tithe and go to church? Are we setting a Christ-like example outside of our churches, or do we conform to the world when we are in the world? A life that is lived totally for Christ will be demonstrated by the fruit that life yields. "Likewise, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear god fruit is cut...
Biblical teachings with interest and passion designed in helping believers and non-belevers come to know and live with Chirst in a personal and power filled life!