If you pay attention to your world and yourself today, you would notice just how much condemnation we place upon others. We judge others behaviors and actions, and are very quick to condemn and impose punishment upon others. This is especially true of Christians. I have often said and will continue to say that Christians can be the most brutal in judging and condemning others, especially others of the faith. However, we must consider what is written in the Scriptures, over and over the Bible tells us that we should not judge our fellow man as we will be faced with the same judgment. True, we are not to love sin or sinful ways, but who are we to place judgment upon someone for things that they are partaking in? We have to make a distinction between the criminal acts, those that are against the law, and spiritual acts. Yes, it is true that we are all commanded to obey the laws of the land and criminal acts deserve judgment and punishment. But, what of other acts? Many of us are quick to condemn someone for smoking, drinking, sex, they way in which they live. Wouldn't we agree that the life of a believer is about God bringing change to their life?
"You, therefore, have no excuse, you who pass judgment on someone else, for at whatever point you judge the other, you are condemning yourself, because you who pass judgment do the same things. Now we know that God's judgment against those who do such things is based on truth. So when you, a mere man, pass judgment on them and yet do the same things, do you think you will escape God's judgment?" Romans 2:1-3.
The Bible tells us that all have sinned and fallen short of God's glory. Paul was explaining to the reader about the power of God's Gospel, that of the Lord Jesus Christ. Paul cautioned us about the righteousness of this gospel and why it was important for us to live according to the Word of God. That all of us were guilty of sinning against God. He further went on to tell us that all that may be known of God is right before us, but that many of us choose to go our own way. Which brings us to our passage today.
Paul was explaining to us that we should not be in the business of judging others. We need to remember that at some point in our life, before we met Jesus, we were the same as those we are judging. All of us at one point or another lived according to our own will and not that of God. We all have been engaged in sin, whatever that sin might be. But as being redeemed, many of us somehow take the mindset that we are now "better" than those outside of the faith. We cringe when the "other-crowd" enters our church, fearing that they will bring in wickedness and evil. We shun the newcomer that appears to be doing things that appall us. We ask that "certain people" not be allowed in the door of our churches. Shame on us!
Friends, the Bible does not give us the authority to judge others in this way! Scripture clearly says that all judgment has been given to Christ and Christ alone. We are to hate the sin, yes, but we are to love the sinner! What good does it do us or the kingdom of God to minister only to other believers? Are we or are we not to go out and preach the gospel to all, whether they receive it or not? Have we not noticed that most of the time Christians congregate and minister only to other Christians? This should not be so! We are to come together for prayer and worship as believers, but then we are to go to the "gentiles" and preach the love of Christ!
We are also not in the business of changing others. We are to let them know, through our own testimony and life, that some of the choices they are making might not be the right choices for their lives. We are to love them to Jesus, not crucify them to hell! The Bible says that Jesus does not want that any should perish! Our ministry to the world should be one of love and showing the love of Christ through the changes that Christ has done in our lives! I could not have brought any of the changes in my life by myself. It was Jesus through His Holy Spirit that changed me. I think that many of us have forgotten what being in Christ truly means.
If, like myself, you search the Scriptures, you will not be able to find one single instance where Jesus judged or condemned anyone! Yes, He did bring to light things that people were dong to themselves and others, but He did not condemn them or punish them. Why? Because at that time, He came as Savior! He came to give all a chance at redemption and reconciliation to God. When He comes again, He comes as Judge. But, that time has not come yet. So, why are so many of us s quick to judge and condemn?
Friends, if you look closely at our passage today, you will notice that as we judge others, we will be in danger of having the same judgment imposed upon us. If we truly are in the life of Christ, then we should understand that our ministry is one of redemption and reconciliation through Christ our Lord. The next time we feel the temptation to judge someone come upon us, we should be quick to think back to ourselves and remember where we were and what we were doing before Jesus saved us. If we do this, then instead of imposing judgment on that person, we will be quick to love and show that person who Jesus really is! We will be able to let Jesus bring about salvation and change in that persons life. We only testify of the power of Christ in us!
May God Richly Bless You Today!! H Trent!
"You, therefore, have no excuse, you who pass judgment on someone else, for at whatever point you judge the other, you are condemning yourself, because you who pass judgment do the same things. Now we know that God's judgment against those who do such things is based on truth. So when you, a mere man, pass judgment on them and yet do the same things, do you think you will escape God's judgment?" Romans 2:1-3.
The Bible tells us that all have sinned and fallen short of God's glory. Paul was explaining to the reader about the power of God's Gospel, that of the Lord Jesus Christ. Paul cautioned us about the righteousness of this gospel and why it was important for us to live according to the Word of God. That all of us were guilty of sinning against God. He further went on to tell us that all that may be known of God is right before us, but that many of us choose to go our own way. Which brings us to our passage today.
Paul was explaining to us that we should not be in the business of judging others. We need to remember that at some point in our life, before we met Jesus, we were the same as those we are judging. All of us at one point or another lived according to our own will and not that of God. We all have been engaged in sin, whatever that sin might be. But as being redeemed, many of us somehow take the mindset that we are now "better" than those outside of the faith. We cringe when the "other-crowd" enters our church, fearing that they will bring in wickedness and evil. We shun the newcomer that appears to be doing things that appall us. We ask that "certain people" not be allowed in the door of our churches. Shame on us!
Friends, the Bible does not give us the authority to judge others in this way! Scripture clearly says that all judgment has been given to Christ and Christ alone. We are to hate the sin, yes, but we are to love the sinner! What good does it do us or the kingdom of God to minister only to other believers? Are we or are we not to go out and preach the gospel to all, whether they receive it or not? Have we not noticed that most of the time Christians congregate and minister only to other Christians? This should not be so! We are to come together for prayer and worship as believers, but then we are to go to the "gentiles" and preach the love of Christ!
We are also not in the business of changing others. We are to let them know, through our own testimony and life, that some of the choices they are making might not be the right choices for their lives. We are to love them to Jesus, not crucify them to hell! The Bible says that Jesus does not want that any should perish! Our ministry to the world should be one of love and showing the love of Christ through the changes that Christ has done in our lives! I could not have brought any of the changes in my life by myself. It was Jesus through His Holy Spirit that changed me. I think that many of us have forgotten what being in Christ truly means.
If, like myself, you search the Scriptures, you will not be able to find one single instance where Jesus judged or condemned anyone! Yes, He did bring to light things that people were dong to themselves and others, but He did not condemn them or punish them. Why? Because at that time, He came as Savior! He came to give all a chance at redemption and reconciliation to God. When He comes again, He comes as Judge. But, that time has not come yet. So, why are so many of us s quick to judge and condemn?
Friends, if you look closely at our passage today, you will notice that as we judge others, we will be in danger of having the same judgment imposed upon us. If we truly are in the life of Christ, then we should understand that our ministry is one of redemption and reconciliation through Christ our Lord. The next time we feel the temptation to judge someone come upon us, we should be quick to think back to ourselves and remember where we were and what we were doing before Jesus saved us. If we do this, then instead of imposing judgment on that person, we will be quick to love and show that person who Jesus really is! We will be able to let Jesus bring about salvation and change in that persons life. We only testify of the power of Christ in us!
May God Richly Bless You Today!! H Trent!
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