I have heard a great worship song several times, although I cannot think of its name, one line from that song continued to jump out at me: "I wanna sit at Your feet." Going back to Scripture, I found several instances when the disciples probably sat at Jesus' feet. However, the one instance that catches my attention is found in Luke chapter 10. Jesus and His disciples were traveling and they came to the house of Martha and Mary. Martha opened her home to Jesus and His disciples. She loved Jesus dearly and, I believe, would have done anything for Him. But her struggle came in being still!
"She had a sister called Mary, who sat at the Lord's feet listening to what He said. But Martha was distracted by all the preparations that has to be made. She came to Him and asked, "Lord, don't You care that my sister has left me to do the work by myself? Tell her to help me!" Luke 10:39-40.
Martha spent so much time serving Jesus that she didn't have time to enjoy Him or get to know Him better. The harder she worked, the more frustrated she became with her sister Mary. Mary had chosen to sit at Jesus' feet while Martha stayed busy around the house making sure everything was is perfect order for Jesus. Martha's service had started out with gladness soon deteriorated into resentment and envy. How this resembles so many of us in our Christian walk. There are so many of us that stay so "busy" for Christ that we never get to "enjoy" Him. And as others around us grow in their love for Him, and know Him better than we do, we can soon develop a bitter attitude towards them, birthed out of our envy of them enjoying Him as we serve Him.
Friends, it is a very good thing to want to serve Jesus. Serving Him is an expression of love for Him for what He has done for us. But, when our activity consumes our time and energy so that we do not have any time for Jesus, we have become too busy! We might think, like Martha, that if we don't do the work, it won't get done. That may be true, however, Jesus taught over and over, that our highest priority has to be our relationship with Him! If there is anything that detracts us from that relationship, that activity is not from God. I have had to learn this the hard way. I was so busy trying to do good work for God, I forgot to enjoy and learn from God. I had to learn that God will not ask us to do something that hinders our relationship with Him.
Do not misunderstand today friends. There are times that serving God and carrying out His mission is the best way to know and experience Him. Those time will bring us great joy and fulfillment as we know and see the work that we have done for Him, and how that work has impacted the lives of others. However, there are other time when it is more important to just sit quietly at Hid feet and listen to what He is saying. God has told us to be still and know Him. We need to have those times, as Mary did, to enjoy Him, to get to know Him more personally, to let Him teach us and love us. If we are too busy for Him, we will not experience His great love for us--we will be too bust to notice!
Friends, we are not called to sit continually as His feet. If we did, our service for Him would stop. And we are also not called to go out and serve Him so continually that we do not take time to find restoration in His presence. Serving God, and knowing God go hand in hand. To do the one, we need to do the other. We need to ask ourselves: Have I been serving God so
diligently that I have not had time to spend with Him? If our answer is yes, we must stop what we are doing and take time to sit at His feet! It might be the most important thing you do today!
May God Richly Bless You Today!! H Trent!
"She had a sister called Mary, who sat at the Lord's feet listening to what He said. But Martha was distracted by all the preparations that has to be made. She came to Him and asked, "Lord, don't You care that my sister has left me to do the work by myself? Tell her to help me!" Luke 10:39-40.
Martha spent so much time serving Jesus that she didn't have time to enjoy Him or get to know Him better. The harder she worked, the more frustrated she became with her sister Mary. Mary had chosen to sit at Jesus' feet while Martha stayed busy around the house making sure everything was is perfect order for Jesus. Martha's service had started out with gladness soon deteriorated into resentment and envy. How this resembles so many of us in our Christian walk. There are so many of us that stay so "busy" for Christ that we never get to "enjoy" Him. And as others around us grow in their love for Him, and know Him better than we do, we can soon develop a bitter attitude towards them, birthed out of our envy of them enjoying Him as we serve Him.
Friends, it is a very good thing to want to serve Jesus. Serving Him is an expression of love for Him for what He has done for us. But, when our activity consumes our time and energy so that we do not have any time for Jesus, we have become too busy! We might think, like Martha, that if we don't do the work, it won't get done. That may be true, however, Jesus taught over and over, that our highest priority has to be our relationship with Him! If there is anything that detracts us from that relationship, that activity is not from God. I have had to learn this the hard way. I was so busy trying to do good work for God, I forgot to enjoy and learn from God. I had to learn that God will not ask us to do something that hinders our relationship with Him.
Do not misunderstand today friends. There are times that serving God and carrying out His mission is the best way to know and experience Him. Those time will bring us great joy and fulfillment as we know and see the work that we have done for Him, and how that work has impacted the lives of others. However, there are other time when it is more important to just sit quietly at Hid feet and listen to what He is saying. God has told us to be still and know Him. We need to have those times, as Mary did, to enjoy Him, to get to know Him more personally, to let Him teach us and love us. If we are too busy for Him, we will not experience His great love for us--we will be too bust to notice!
Friends, we are not called to sit continually as His feet. If we did, our service for Him would stop. And we are also not called to go out and serve Him so continually that we do not take time to find restoration in His presence. Serving God, and knowing God go hand in hand. To do the one, we need to do the other. We need to ask ourselves: Have I been serving God so
diligently that I have not had time to spend with Him? If our answer is yes, we must stop what we are doing and take time to sit at His feet! It might be the most important thing you do today!
May God Richly Bless You Today!! H Trent!
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