Christians are commanded to lose their lives. This does not mean that we seek death, or that we turn away from life itself. Rather, it means that we ought to deliberately release our lives to God and His kingdom. One of the greatest hindrances to us being on mission with God will be our view of what constitutes our "legitimate rights." That is, those things that we feel we have a right to experience and enjoy. It's not difficult to turn over to Christ those things that are not a sacrifice or that we would prefer to do without anyway. But, it is the things that are good and that are dear to us that may stand between us and God's will. "For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it." Matthew 16:25. Let's look at some examples: It's good to be near our grown children and grandchildren, but God may want us to go to another city or even another continent on mission with Him. It's good t...
Biblical teachings with interest and passion designed in helping believers and non-belevers come to know and live with Chirst in a personal and power filled life!