One only has to turn on the news to learn that we are in desperate times today. The violence consuming our airwaves is nothing new, but the frequency of it is alarming and discouraging to many today. Good is being called evil and evil is being called good. What we were once appalled at we are now desensitized to because it becomes the norm despite our efforts, so we give up the fight. The attacks upon righteousness and goodness are unrelenting and have the influence of turning our hearts into despair. We wonder what can we possibly do to make a difference in light of all that is happening? My friends, God is still on the throne and God is still in control, despite what we may be seeing, experiencing or feeling! The issue is that believers around the world have become solitary and afraid. We have, in my opinion, given into the lie that there is nothing that we can do. We have stopped gathering together with one another to pray, ...
Biblical teachings with interest and passion designed in helping believers and non-belevers come to know and live with Chirst in a personal and power filled life!